Subversion Lock is based on both working copy and user

2 05 2009

Scenario: User ‘sankalp’ locks a file in his working copy and tries to commit some changes to the locked file from another working copy that was checked out under same username.

Result: Commit would fail, because the later working copy doesn’t get the file lock, only the first one does.

I stumbled upon this while locking a file via URL path, using FinalBuilder Subversion file lock (Actually ‘Subversion Generic‘ action). Although the lock is successful and can be seen from repository browser client, the working copy didn’t reflect it. So I had to lock the file based on its working copy path, and not based on its URL path. This made me realize that locks are specific to working copies, apart from being exclusive to users.

Also, if somehow you delete the working copy that had locked a file and cannot restore it back, the only way out seems to be breaking a lock on that particular file. Or is there any other way out?

